Friday, March 30, 2007

Maturity from 20 year old me

Old post - just posted!
I believe in maturity...but does that mean I'm saying that I'm mature? That is a question which i ask myself everyday...(refer to tears). However just because i cry, does it make me immature? Does maturity mean keeping your emotions to yourself or does it mean having no emotions at all? Won't that make me either repressed on the one hand and a tyrant on the other? Would it make me mature if I could answer the above questions?
There are two parts to my life...rather two aspects of my personality...yesterday i discovered there is a third...there's the public face...mature...the private face....immature and the bathroom face...wet...ok...sorry sad joke...the third face is the one which i call the "falsely brave face" Sometimes its strangely when I am able to rationalise the fact that life has to be lived alone and i shouldn't have any expectations from anyone...and usually its plain silly...i get hurt and i get hurt for things which shouldnt matter at all...i'm blabbering...i have to remember this blog is not my diary...
There is a certain relative who is considered by all to be "the queen of immaturity" We laugh at all her antics...things like hanging her bag in her host's bathroom and then while coming out, looking at it and wondering why the bag looked so darned familiar...exclaiming to a friend that she had seen her husband in the market the other day and (surprise surprise), he had been wearing "pant shirt." I have always laughed at this rather elderly lady's exploits...especially at the fact that she is foolish enough to say this to everyone who would care to listen herself...why would anyone humiliate themselves infront of everyone in this fashion. If this isnt immaturity then what is? Is it immaturity then? The more I thought I about it the more I came to the conclusion that this was a kind of "maturity" which most of the so-called mature people don't possess...this is the maturity not to take oneself too might argue that this is only prompted by her immaturity...i probably cant convince you...this is after all just my point of view...isn't it maturity also to respect other people's point of view?

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