Saturday, August 28, 2021

Sleep is a funny thing


Its normal for you, natural, easy, thoughtless

For me its like a two headed dragon wolfing down my Hans Im Gluck burger

Ok, I kid

It’s like a two headed dragon with 5 feet fangs breathing Extra Hot Nando’s sauce down my throat

I sweat buckets

My pounding heart sounds louder than Metallica at an indoor concert

And sometimes I feel like I have a protest rally going on in my mind

All this while lying on my cushiony mattress, on silken sheets

Ah, the sarcasm of the half empty glass in a glass half full world

Pills, therapies, Internet articles, mirror mirror on the wall

All served a limited self on a limited time stamp

  Waking nightmares imagined, not real

Stress the driver of an imagined freight-train of worry and sleeplessness

And the two-headed dragon grows evermore on wings of imagined realities

Feeding and slurping away on my beauty sleep

Are they that fictitious- my nightmares?

Or do they tell me a tale I dare not heed during the day?

A tale of unfulfilled dreams and out of reach desires

Of purposes undiscovered and of friends who abandoned

But that’s the story of every life

We are all Shakespearan comedies and tragedies

On stage today and off tomorrow

The peace I seek in sleep is to be found in my heart and my soul

In knowing that shutting my heart isn’t avoiding pain, its avoiding love

And that the two headed dragon isn’t the enemy of my sleep

If I could get past the fire, its only telling me a hard truth

Life isn’t about sleep, sleep follows life

As I pat the two-headed dragon into the pillow, we decide to make peace for just this one night

Tomorrow is another day, another hope for dreamlike living.