Mothers Day is a manufactured concept but the concept of mothers is far from that. There is no one uniform way of describing them because they are all different and they are all human. I could not fathom being one as I thought it was the hardest job in the world and I am too selfish to care about someone that much. Now I have to change the 'they' to 'we' as I am elevated to that position in life. And it is true - it is one of the hardest jobs in the world and it is never-ending. But controversially enough, I dont think being a mother means you are selfless. Selfless would be taking care of other people's babies without any remuneration but for yours, it is a biological drive to take care of them (you think babies evolved into mini war-crying machines by chance?). That doesnt mean mothers arent super-heroes - they truly are, we truly are (yep humble pie!) for our children. That love cannot be replicated. Ever.
So I sit here today, missing my mother and hugging my baby reflecting on everything that has happened in the last 14 months. Pregnancy was a breeze and depicted above (the question mark is pre-pregnancy test) and the last month was punctuated by baby's arrival a bit early so no photos that month except of cutie. The whirlwind of breastfeeding, sleeping (and not sleeping), crash course in diaper changing and bathing babies and the feeling of having two brains in one head which is permanent but gets more synergistic as months roll on. So whether hypnobirthing, lamazing, c-sectioning, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, latching, sleep training, not sleep training, co-sleeping, day-caring, nanny-using, pre-schooling, homeschooling etc etc - you are the only and the best for your baby. Happy Mothers Day, wonder women!